Web Development
Apidae designs and develops web application for your business. It is not only web application, it is your business which needs to grow through that web application. Our team is liable to deliver you a product which should generate more business for you as well as for us. Our designs are clean, elegant and classics of its own kind. The web application needs to be conceptual, visitor should feel vision of the company, that is what we would like to do.
Sketch & WireFramesEvery concept will be sketch down, wireframes will be prepared, prototypes will be created. It helps us to reassess requirement with deliverables.
Presentation & QAUpon all coding completion, it comes to presentation and QA part. We believe in module wise delivery to handle client changes in timely manner.
ConceptualisationTo bring an idea is not a big thing, how to execute that idea is very important. This is where we master in, the conceptualisation for perfect execution plan.
Optimised CodingOur codes are well documented, optimised code. Minimalistic codes with industry based coding format makes web application run fast, scalable and robust.
Delivery & LaunchFinal delivery, this is the part where most of the organisation management don't want to involve, our pillars are quite opposite for the good. They give their 100% time to ensure successful delivery & launch of the web application.